Rose Ariadne's Chitchcraft Blog

Dear Friends,

Welcome, welcome, WELCOME to my little home here.  My Witchcraft Blog.  I have so much to give you I almost can’t contain the excitement I am feeling! 

I am so glad that you are with me from the start.  Building our little community started small, but has grown so much that people in other countries are also a part of it.

If you look around the blog, you will notice many different parts of it.  Most of the sections just have “coming soon” type of pages – but there are some that give some basic information like the Blog instant notification signup form, etc.

This is really “day 1″ of the blog, and over the next week I am going to be posting Witchcraft interviews (with some VERY experienced Witchcraft friends of mine…oh yeah, and they also interview ME!), along with Witchcraft quizzes and other goodies.

And don’t worry, as long as you sign up to the “Blog Instant Notification Signup Form” in the upper right corner – you’ll find out the moment I update, and add some great stuff to the blog.

For now, find the little link right under this blog post called “comments”.  Click on that link to enter any comment you’d like.  I’d love to hear from you – just tell me your thoughts on all of this, ask questions, etc.  Your comment will appear with 12 hours (usually), and sometimes immediately.

I think the “comments” link is a great way for everyone to keep in touch with eachother (and with me!).

I’m going to send you another newsletter tomorrow, so be looking out for it…

Brightest Blessings ’till tomorrow!

Rose Ariadne

Your Warm And Caring “Resident Witch In Charge” 

Posted by Rose Comments 29


  1. Ash Rowan says

    Rose, well thank you! So happy to be involved with your Blog. It looks like everything is working “Magickally” :wink:

    Even though I’m your computer guy, I have no idea
    what you have planned in the next few days. But,
    I know you are going to release audio interviews, not
    only of other people, but of yourself!

    Anyway, I can’t wait! Let me know if there are any
    problems at all with the blog Rose.

    Oh, and “HELLO EVERYONE!” Post a comment and
    tell me what you all think of the Blog I set up for


    March 7th, 2006 | #
  2. Jessica says

    i am so glad to be a part of this and Rose i do have a few questions to ask you but not here. i would like to keep them confidential you know between us two.

    again thank you

    March 7th, 2006 | #
  3. Lori says

    Blog looks great! Congrats!

    March 7th, 2006 | #
  4. Skydancer says

    Hello everyone.
    Ash and Rose, I think the blog is wonderful!!! I’m so
    excited you started this. Thank You!!!
    Love & Light,

    March 7th, 2006 | #
  5. Nice job on the blog here, I only have one burning question that’s been bugging me for some time now,
    Is there such thing as instantaneous magick? You know, stuff that happens as soon as you cast it. Such as making stuff float, physical harm shielding, physical harm causing, stuff like that.

    March 7th, 2006 | #
  6. Blair says

    Hey Rose….wow ur blog looks great… glad im evan a part of this because i have ALWAYS been interested in witchcraft…maybe one day ill be able to master the art of it all! well i just dropped by to show sum love and say hi so….BYE BYEZ:grin: :razz:


    March 7th, 2006 | #
  7. sandrea says

    :razz:good job on the blog.
    blessings to you

    March 7th, 2006 | #
  8. annya says

    :smile: Hi rose I m looking forward to these newsletters to come. The blog looks great and Im happy to be a part of this.

    Bright Blessings! :smile:

    March 7th, 2006 | #
  9. Ardarla says

    A wondrous idea! Can’t wait to see what is upcoming!! Blessed Be!

    March 7th, 2006 | #
  10. Dear,
    Rose Ariadne,
    thanks for ur contacts with me. About ur sites and ur informations have been useful. Still if i would like to suggest some thing if u can really handle it.
    Rose people do give the practice and opptions of using methods to cure theselves froom the magick spells, But many people are not able to reach persons like who are always ready to help the needy.
    Do one thing on your Blog that put up something in such a way the use of which will help the person suffering from any type of harsh magick spells, So that in the most urgent need if a person is not able to reach anyone for his treatment he could use one or two single steps just to protect him from the harsh magicks used by people to destroy the peace of others.
    They could be some prayers or tieing of some items in the house or the front door or something like that. Now thanks once again for being so co-operative and giving an helping hand at the time i
    was in distress and nobody to help me.
    May help you in all your works to get peace to the world. THANKS once again.

    March 7th, 2006 | #
  11. Tabitha Bewitched says

    Dear Rose:

    First and foremost the picture high up on the Blog is captivating and inspires the feel of magick within a person. I am glad to be able to be here from Day#1. I have an interest in witchcraft because it reflects woman power strongly and also the beauty of love. I look forward to those mp3 files and wish to ask some personal doubts and hope you will tell me how I could write to you directly and in confidence. Best wishes for the success of the site. Tabitha Bewitched

    March 8th, 2006 | #
  12. Tabitha Bewitched says

    :oops: One REQUEST Rose, which I believe should be beneficial to everyone here, is that you accept only those ads on this site which are genuine since there are plenty of false claims made at some sites. This will maintain the honest reputation of your Blog in times to come. Tabitha Bewitched

    March 8th, 2006 | #
  13. John says


    thanks for the reply and stuff.
    your website rocks women!

    keep up the good work, look forward hearing from you again


    March 8th, 2006 | #
  14. John says

    you rock woman, sorry for the mispelled word of “women” in my other entry.. thats what happens when your just waking up! ha!!:lol::lol:

    March 8th, 2006 | #
  15. angie says

    so pleased to be part of this blog!! cannot wait for it to be all up and running!! wish all every bit of luck in the world!! Blesed Be!! sister witch Angie.

    March 8th, 2006 | #
  16. Tess says

    :lol:Very excited to be included, wishing the best outcome for all of us…thanx for the opportunity to be involved & hope to get aquainted with all of you soon…blessed be ~ Tess

    March 8th, 2006 | #
  17. kenzie says

    :razz:hey rose it is kenzie my whole famly is christian so i kinda need some help with getting started and geting away from that what should i do

    March 8th, 2006 | #
  18. mary says

    I am so glad you are back i was wondering what happened to you:smile: i can’t wait to learn what you have to teach, gaining knowledge and new skills is entirely what i live for as long as you are willing to teach i am willing to learn.

    March 8th, 2006 | #
  19. Timi says

    I’m happy to hear from you. Will be checking out your new blog quite offten.:razz:

    March 8th, 2006 | #
  20. Cathy says

    You needent be sorry for the things that has been done. Things in life have a purpose and that is why we are all here to fulfill something that has been put up there for us, we just have to be able to find that in life’s journey. I am looking forward in working with you, I do hope to make my powers enhance.

    March 8th, 2006 | #
  21. Julian says

    Wow rose im soo happy for you and thanks for the email

    March 8th, 2006 | #
  22. Brooke says

    Hey Rose thanks for telling me about this place and i hope to learn more from you:grin:

    March 8th, 2006 | #
  23. Don says

    Hi! I’m so glad you thought of this, it’s a great idea and
    a great way for like minded people to learn from not only you but each other as well.
    Thank you for the e-mails and for inviting me to your “blog”.
    Best of luck to you! Blessed be!:grin:

    March 8th, 2006 | #
  24. Tammy says

    The blog looks awesome, and I am so excited to be here, and be apart of this blog. Thank you for the invite, and for the emails u have sent. Your truly a wonderful person, and I am so excited about learning all I can about witchcraft…….Blessed Be

    March 9th, 2006 | #
  25. skylar says

    I am so glad I found your website because I have learned so many new things. Every thing I have learned is so very interesting and has helped me closer to the world of magic and I thank you for that. I cant wait till I find out more new things so I will be waiting to hear from you again. :grin:
    Bye bye

    March 10th, 2006 | #
  26. Norma says

    Thank you rose for the emails that helps alot and just
    got through listening to you second speech you have
    given. and your right on how to tell some one your a
    witch and how to go about it. keep up the wonderful
    work that you do. Thank you for inviting me to be
    a part of it here at your blog. I look forward to your
    next one and you do explain alot what is need to
    here to make magic work and how you explain every
    thing makes it easyer for people to understand. This
    is what I needed to here I read a lot of books but
    they do not explain it how you do. so that people can
    understand. you give your time to people that want to
    learn and further there knowledge on the understand-ing of witchcraft and how to use it which is what all of
    us needed here. thank you for the time and hard work that you do here for us. and I will be waiting for
    your next one to come out. you make each and every
    one of us feel that we can connect with you. you are a wonderful caring person that all here can relate to and
    not be afraid to ask you questions on alot of things
    that have been bottled up and needs to be said so
    again thank you so very much. your like a friend from
    heaven that shows us the way to make all that is needed to work the magic in our lifes. Take care and
    will be waiting for the next one. From your witch sister
    ragingmoon and friend always. Blessed Be LOL

    March 13th, 2006 | #
  27. Soul_takr_666 says

    I believe the blog is absolutely stunning, providing much information needed and inquired for most, regarding every aspiring and ever learning individual, from the beginner to the advanced. I truly find that this is the best site compiled yet on the subject of witchcraft/ wiccan and its many paths. I indeed hope this site and blog prosper with the many now(due to your wonderous literary donations)fully or semi fully acknowledged in this craft. This is honestly an inspiring and innovative medium through which you have applied yourself and your knowledge thoroughly and precisely, including all details. Thankyou, for providing the best of information the world has to offer and the most direct experiences and relations to the craft and its followers. Blessed be! Excellent blog, I will admit. I will have questions soon, but now is not the time to explore them, I will probably include them nother time, when I feel is effecient. Blessed be.

    March 13th, 2006 | #
  28. Norma says

    Dear rose I could not down load the link you gave me
    I went there and tryed to but some thing is wrong with
    it on your end when you fix it could you please let me
    know so that I may donw load it. its the one you gave me your book in pdf format. I tryed twice and nothing
    I do want to read it but can not when it comes out
    blank. Just thought I would tell you. From your sister

    March 26th, 2006 | #
  29. Phoenix says

    Hi Rose thanx for all your hard work making this available for all of us. I really appricate every bit of information you offer and will put it to good use.

    Hi lil family it’s Lycius and Phoenix VonDraca we wanted to say hi and welcome to all.
    Blessed Be!
    ~;~ Lycius & Phoenix VonDraca

    March 27th, 2006 | #

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