Rose Ariadne's Chitchcraft Blog

Dear Friends,

Let’s face it, we pagans are not the most welcome in parts of the world. it’s something that I have struggled with a lot overtime. I’ve been frustrated with my inability to make it clear to people that we are not Satanists or baby killers, that our religion is founded on a love of nature, and a love of other people, and especially a love of the God and Goddess. I know I am not alone in this frustration because the outside world definitely has its opinion set in stone when it comes to witchcraft. Thanks to some bad propaganda from the ancient Christian church, we’ve been branded for life, it seems, as something that is so far from the truth it would be funny if it weren’t so hurtful.

It’s no wonder that many people choose to hide their beliefs. While I’ve been living out of the broom closet for years, I understand that it may be a difficult thing to tell people that you are a pagan or witch. For some believers, this is just something that they are not ready to do. And no others on this path should judge them for it. Everyone comes out in their own time, and while they are “in hiding” so to speak, there are ways to keep their faith discreet without necessarily being two sided.

One of the first sticky situations that I’ve counseled people on is setting up sacred space in roommate situations. While this certainly isn’t a problem if you are sharing an apartment and have your own room, sharing a room is quite another manner. I’ve known many college students who have struggled with trying to practice their religion without freaking out their roommate and having ‘the talk. I always have thought that this was a perfect opportunity to get out in nature and get to know the deities in their original “house of worship.” After all, this is why witches used to practice mainly under the cover of darkness and out in a forest somewhere. If there’s no forest handy, find a discreet park to do your ritual. You can also try to coordinate things around your roommate’s schedule. Pick a time where you know he or she will be at work. Or sneak out into the living room when he or she is fast asleep. With a little ingenuity, you can find time for your rituals. This method works for living with family members who are not supportive of the craft as well.

The other main problem with living with others who are not pagan friendly is trying to set up an altar space. While ideally an altar should be somewhere you should set up and leave up, I understand that this is not always practical. Consider investing in a medium sized wooden box that can be used as a makeshift altar and that can store your items away from prying eyes. You’ll have to set it up each time, but the magickal energy will be stored in one specific location.

I’ve gotten in trouble in the past for my views on “hiding.” Others say we should all come “out” immediately and that giving tips for hiding your religion is making it seem less serious and like a bad thing. I disagree, obviously. Sometimes hiding your faith is practical, and necessary. And in my opinion, It’s not so much hiding as being selectively truthful. When it comes down to it, your religion is your own, and it’s really nobody’s business. If you already know that people are going to become confrontational and do not feel ready to defend yourself, it is perfectly okay to be low key about your faith and keep things to yourself. Belief is a very private thing. We’re not Evangelical Christians after all, and we’re not obligated to spread the Goddesses’ “word” on people who really don’t want to hear it. Be comfortable with your religion at the stage you are at, whether that means keeping your altar in your closet or having a big pentagram on the back of your car.

Love And Light,

Rose Ariadne, Your Warm And Caring “Resident Witch In Charge”

Posted by Rose Comments 8


  1. Christina says

    Believing in yourself is the key to and all spirtual journeys. It is a personal preference to “come out” or stay in the “broom closet”, your environment shold be that which pleases ou and if that means keeping your personal choices in worship a “secret” than so be it…enjoy each day and never let those that disbelieve drown the fires of your spirital passions or happiness. I’m with You Rose on this one…each situation is different and one must trust their own heart as to reveal or not. may the spirits keep you warm under this blanket of winter snows…much love to all

    December 1st, 2006 | #
  2. a student says

    rose, i love your emails. i think that one of of the main jobs of a celtic priestess is to protect and preserve the old celtic ways and religions from the various “christians” that do’nt like them. i like the word wicca in place of witch. love and peace

    December 2nd, 2006 | #
  3. mk says

    i really like the idea of helping people with magick but i didn’t use it before but i would really like to and i would like to learn magick my english is not that good but i do understand :lol:

    December 4th, 2006 | #
  4. Chandre says

    Dear Rose

    You are absolutely right about pagans not being welcome in some countries. South Africa is one of them. I have to be so careful about what I do or say. Especially around my family. My father would kill me if he knew. Also the only covens are in the big cities, like Johannesburg (far from where I live in Thabazimbi). :mad:

    December 6th, 2006 | #
  5. Golden says

    Dear Rose,

    I quite enjoy every bit of your writing. I am new and very interested in wicca/magick as a path worth treading although i understand that we witness alot of antagonism from our sister religous groups especially christianity. However, that would not stop me in any way on this wise path of wicca/magick that i have chosen to tread:wink:. Playing safe is what i do. Rose thank you for your love and care for neophants like me on the path of the wise craft:smile:.

    December 8th, 2006 | #
  6. roxi says

    i am also quite new to this religion i hve been studying it for about a year now although i have been interested in it for about 4 years. i found it very hard as i was in many foster homes where i couldnt light candles or insence. so i used to sit cross legged and visulize all theses things aroung me. now thankfully i am in the process of setting my altar up in my godmothers house who is looking after me.:wink:

    December 19th, 2006 | #
  7. jose the wanderer says

    im simlpy addicted to your blog page even though i havent actually started doing the magic, i really dont have my own space. anywayz i really do see magic working in my life

    January 5th, 2007 | #
  8. Zoe says

    Thankyou Rose, It’s a great shame that there is ‘shame’ but the fact of the matter is that sometimes revealing one’s true beliefs (especially if so damaged by unfair propaganda as Wicca is..) can be damaging to one’s self and practise.. I have been aligned to this way of working and thinking for many years now..but it’s only relatively recently that I have even ‘come out’ to myself! I believed that I was not a ‘witch’ because I did not participate in a coven, wear a pentagram, or practise particularly regularly (there are many veins to my practise and actual spell casting is a relatively small part- although it IS there).. I have always kept my spells and quite a lot of my beliefs private, not from close friends, but from dogmatic or ignorant relatives and casual acquaintances. It is true- that perhaps if more people came out then perhaps the tide would begin to turn and I do think the persecution that witches suffered in the hunts is still having repercussions today, I believe it is more taboo to say you are a witch than to say you are virtually any other religion or life choice. It immediately denotes mental illness!!! in so many people’s eyes, and coming into contact with that attitude directly, I find, can damage me. I also do energy work, meditation, self healing etc, and every time I have spoken about this with a person who decided that I was not doing it the right way or their way, or that my beliefs were ‘wrong’ , prevented me from being able to practise (I think blocking my crown and therefore making it difficult to meditate). So now I keep things to myself, but I’m thinking that perhaps there is an art to being open about it- without being vulnerable??

    April 6th, 2007 | #

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